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The Gift of Planning Ahead: How to Make the 2022 Holiday Season Profitable

The holiday season is a great time for restaurants to double down on all of the marketing, menu optimization, and customer service efforts to make the last month of the year the most profitable one yet. And with just a few weeks left before Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year's Eve, there's no time to waste. To help make the most wonderful time of year the most successful time as well, we’ve outlined some useful tips to help you wrap up profits this gift-giving season.

Add Stats to the Mix

  • Over 70% of restaurant sales come in the last two months of the year.

  • 42% of Americans plan to either order from or go out to a restaurant on New Year’s Eve

  • 28% of Americans visit a restaurant or order on New Year's Day

  • 89% of shoppers do their own research on their phone ahead of dining

Ideas to Jazz Up the Holiday Season

Plan Ahead with a Holiday Marketing Calendar

The holidays come up fast and pass by faster, so give yourself a break and plan ahead with your own holiday calendar. Keep track of what ads and promotions you’ll run, the amount of staff you’ll need, and the dates you’ll want to change seasonal decor. With December just days away, now is the time to plan your Christmas and New Year's Eve menus.

Decide which holidays work best for your establishment based on your prior years’ sales. Think about which holidays your community celebrates and start marketing at least three weeks in advance. Is your restaurant more family-friendly?

Invest less money into New Year's Eve promotions and more on New Year's Day, for example.

Does your community celebrate Hanukkah? Unlike Christmas, this holiday’s date changes every year, based on the Hebrew calendar. This year, Hanukkah begins just a week before Christmas and runs until Christmas Eve.

And be aware of what day of the week each holiday falls. A Saturday night Halloween is different from one that falls on a Monday night. This year, Halloween falls on a Sunday, so think about promoting a Saturday night “mischief” menu this year.

Your campaign strategy should include social media channels, email marketing, holiday menu items, coupons, loyalty programs, and gift cards, so mark your calendar and be prepared.

Be Digitally Prepared

With the convenience and accessibility of a digitalized restaurant industry settling into the nation’s norm, consumers will be expecting an even greater digital presence this holiday season. Restaurants should be upping the ante by providing customers with quick ordering options while they’re busy shopping.

Give them a stress break by making your dining room a pleasant escape from crowded malls. Make sure your online ordering systems are working at top speed before the rush begins. If you haven’t already, get on board with user-friendly POS systems that let customers order and pay quickly and conveniently.

Let passers-by know they can run in and out quickly by promoting your digital systems with signage or window clings. A well-placed QR Code featured prominently on your storefront, for example, can attract holiday shoppers and entice them to stop in for a cup of coffee or hot chocolate while they’re out and about.

And don’t forget to promote on social media. Consider running ads on Google that will show up in front of customers who are in your area across Google’s various ad display platforms like Google search, Google Maps, and YouTube.

Spice it Up with Seasonal Specials

A little excitement goes a long way these days and even the simplest seasonal specials can be a great driver of new and repeat traffic. Build a sense of anticipation by offering holiday-related menu items available for only a limited time. Every year, ​​Starbucks sells over $110 million worth of Pumpkin Spice Lattes.

Through consistent campaigns run year after year, anticipation that begins in late summer has created excitement for this fall favorite every year. Hashtag #pumpkinspicelatte has turned September into a whole new holiday season of its own for the coffee giant, so why not create your own brand’s big item and promote it like crazy so your restaurant can reap the benefits?

Level Up Your Loyalty Program

Consumers tend to enroll in more loyalty programs around the holiday season, so now is a great time to level up and promote your program.

If you don’t already have one, use the holidays to launch a campaign gifting your loyalty program customers, and attracting new customers to enroll by offering giveaways like free seasonal drink specials, free meals, entrees, or sides. Choose a low-margin item that’s popular with your customers, like soft drinks or fries.

Promote across social media platforms, targeted email marketing campaigns, push notifications, on-premise signage, and in-app marketing plans. If you have the budget available, consider using paid social advertising platforms like Facebook Ad Manager to run retargeting ads using lookalike audiences to convert 3rd party customers.

Gear Up on Gift Cards

Still one of the most popular holiday gifts, gift cards offer an easy way for your customers to gift your delicious food to their loved ones. Digital gift cards are growing in popularity more than ever. Giving an e-gift card is excellent for remote work teams, far away family and friends, and anyone else who can’t get together over the holidays.

Create a design that utilizes the same logo and theme as your other marketing, and promote them on social media. No longer seen as just a last-minute gift idea, gift cards have become one way to show someone you care about that you know what they like. Sell your gift cards at every POS in your restaurant and include them as a menu option in your online ordering systems. As the holidays approach, add a little reminder at check-out.

More Tips: An easy method to improve gift card sales during this time is to offer customers an extra incentive with the purchase of a gift card. Think about selling cards at a discounted rate ($50 gift card for $35) or offering a free $10 gift card with every $50 gift card purchase. Don’t forget to promote your gift cards to businesses. Gift cards are excellent gifts for employees and clients. Everyone loves to eat, so think about running a limited offer - Buy a $100 Gift Card for a friend, get one for yourself at 50% off to be redeemed after January 1st.)

Have Reservations

The holiday season is making a huge comeback this year, with retailers already setting records for sales. That opens up an opportunity for in-person dining. Start marketing reservations well in advance, and make sure you have the staff to accommodate. Give employees incentives to work on the busiest holidays. Start early by placing a holiday calendar in the break area announcing incentives and bonuses, like a gift card or a day off with pay in January, for example.

Bring the Holidays to their Door

  • Provide Meal Kits or Take-Out Specials

Even though restaurants are back-in-business, the truth is many of your customers will still prefer eating at home for the holidays. Help your customers take the festivities home by offering meal kits they can order from your restaurant for either pick-up or delivery. The meal kit should include portioned-out ingredients they'll need to make a delicious dish from your menu right at home with their loved ones. Don't have the time to assemble meal kits? Offer a holiday cocktail kit for delivery or pick-up!

  • Double Down on Delivery

If you haven’t done so already, there’s no more critical time to get your delivery systems in place.

Getting ready for the holidays early is a gift to give yourself. Plan ahead so you can enjoy a stress-minimized holiday season.

By Eileen Strauss


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